Choose a service below to help center your mind, body and soul.

Reiki Healing
Our bodies are a miraculous machine which is made mostly of energy, a constantly changing and renewing system. In every moment we are literally re-creating ourselves and we can re-create ourselves in wholeness. Reiki is a gentle healing art of Japanese origin. Anyone can learn to perform Reiki. Jill is certified in Usui Shiki Ryoho II, having been "attuned" by a Reiki Master to channel healing Reiki energy to flow through her to you. Jill is also an Access Bars™ Practitioner, having been trained in the hands on healing modality of Access Consciousness™. However Jill feels that no "techniques" are necessary and your body knows what it needs and her healing is intuitive. This unconditional love and positive energy will feel very relaxing and peaceful to you and although your soul is its own true healer, it will supply you with energy your body and mind can take a hold of for positive benefits. All recipients tell me they experience a very relaxed state, most clients sleep exceptionally well that night, and some experience profound healing.
Healings available in person, by phone, or video meeting.
Psychic / Tarot / Mediumship / Spiritual Advisement
Your questions may not always be answered in the way you think you desire, but in a way that helps you see what you need most for your good health emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Jill possesses a tone which lends empathy while hoping you are ready for the truth. Her readings tap into your deepest unconscious or subconscious areas that need to be brought to your mind and healed. The messages are clear. Often Jill will help you to change your path, break free of negative patterns, and guide you toward awareness of special talents you may possess. Wisdom is in the eye of the beholder. Make this your time to find truth. Open your heart to your truest potential. Whether you want to receive divination through the Tarot, connect to loved ones in spirit or spirit guides, or receive spiritual guidance your message will come through Jill.
Readings available in person, by phone, or video meeting.
Parties @ Your Location: Contact me for a quote.

Home Cleansing
This service is one in which a home’s energy is cleansed or blessed with sage and spirit. The goal of the cleansing can be to clear negative energy, investigate a spirit energy, to promote the sale of a home, or the renewed energy of any prayer of its inhabitants. It is excellent if the home owner can participate. This service is free to my Real Estate clients when you hire me to Sell or Rent your property. This method is charged with intention which is its main ingredient. The process takes around 1 hour depending on the home’s size and subject matter.

Automatic Writing
Automatic Writing is a process where Jill will tune in to spirit to bring through a written message on a specific subject or from a spirit communicator and you will then receive it in writing. About one paragraph (sometimes a very long paragraph!)